Welcome to Döbeln

Integration through cultural and advisory services 

The Treibhaus e.V.’s Welcome to Döbeln project was established in 2016 with the aim of standing up for a tolerant society, empowering people with a migration background and countering racism. Together and not next to each other, humane and not misanthropic, open and not mistrustful – these are our values!

We want to welcome migrants to our city, integrate them into city life and support them in their everyday lives. Various modules have been tested and established for this purpose. 

Advice and Support

Advice and support

Symbolbild: Das Bild zeigt eine Beratung.

One of the most important services offered by the Welcome to Döbeln project for refugees and their supporters is personal advice. One focus is on enabling participation in the education system and labor market as well as support with official forms.

Pilot form — support in everyday life

Our migration advice service will help you with communicating with the authorities, finding a job or apprenticeship and many other things where you need support.

If you would like to make an appointment, you can do so online here:


Open offers: 

Cafè Connect

Symbolbild, Menschen sitzen an Tischen im Café Connect und eine Frau erklärt Fragen, die auf einem Flipchart stehen.

Café Connect invites you to meet people from different backgrounds, share stories and make new friends. Come along, meet new people and support each other. Together we talk about different topics in German, learn new vocabulary and help each other to communicate better in everyday life.

Opening Hours:
Every Wednesday
15.00 - 18.00

Bahnhofstr.  56
04720 Döbeln

The sweing Café

Would you like to learn to sew or do you already know how?

The sewing café is an open offer from the Welcome to Döbeln project and is aimed at anyone who would like to sew. The offer is free of charge. Registration is not necessary. Whether you are inexperienced or advanced, you can sew new clothes together, make room decorations, do handicrafts, crochet and knit.

Opening hours

Wednesday 3 p.m. - 8 p.m.
2nd floor // Zwingerstraße 3/4


Susanne Harz
Mail: naehcafe@treibhaus-doebeln.de



Do you like being creative?  -

Women with and without a migration background meet every two weeks to get creative together. The participants work together on various art techniques. From lino printing, screen printing, lithography, etching and collage to book art, photography and calligraphy. The program is led and supported by art educators Anja Fischer and Isabell Wiehmert. Participants with and without previous knowledge are welcome.

Opening Hours:
You can find current appointments here:

Bahnhofstr.  56
04720 Döbeln


Self-help bicycle workshop

Would you like to repair your bike?

We support you in repairing your bike yourself. If you are interested, you can come to the bike workshop at Bahnhofstraße 56 every Tuesday.

Opening hours

Tuesday 16.30 - 18.30
Ground floor // Bahnhofstraße 56

Registration for an appointment:

Changing, participatory cultural offerings

Together with the refugees, we regularly implement new cultural projects. Whether it's a hands-on kitchen, screen printing workshops or networking meetings. We place an emphasis on participation. The people who have immigrated to Döbeln bring with them numerous ideas, skills and abilities that they can contribute here.

Contact us


Carola Haupt and Mandy Liebing
Mail: formularlotse@treibhaus-doebeln.de

Bahnhofstr.  56
Second floor 
04720 Döbeln

Welcome to Döbeln 

Project management: Ina Tuscher
Mail: ina_tuscher@treibhaus-doebeln.de
Fon: 03431 / 605317

The Welcome to Döbeln project is funded by the Free State of Saxony as part of the state’s Integrative Measures program.